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Sunday Worship & Service Leadership Team

What is involved in being part of this team?

The Worship Team help to lead worship at both churches on a Sunday. Whether that be playing within the band or being part of Service leadership team, we are one team driven to bring our best to facilitate worship at Heswall Parish across all areas of church life. When we come together to worship people take lots of roles - sung worship, leading services, reading bible, intercessory prayer - if you can get involved in any getting touch.

How often do I serve as part of this team?

As often as you are able.

Do I need to have relevant experience?

Yes. You need a good level of musical ability and experience to play in the band. For service leaders, a good level of organisation skill is necessary as you draw together aspects of the service in advance and co-ordinate the service and lead the congregation through the service.

What type of person are you looking for?

We are looking for people who are passionate about worship and about leading others in worship.

If you would like to serve on this team, please contact the parish office.